PostHeimat is a continuously developing and progressing network in the field of performing arts, addressing the topics of migration, refuge, identity, multilingualism, and power structures within artistic practices and institutions.


Pos­tHeimat was estab­lished in 2018 by the artist­ic groups BOAT PEOPLE PROJEKT (Göt­tin­gen), COLLECTIVE MA’LOUBA (Mülheim an der Ruhr), EXIL ENSEMBLE (Ber­lin), HAJUSOM (Ham­burg), OPEN BORDER ENSEMBLE (Munich) and RUHRORTER (Mülheim an der Ruhr). More artists, groups, insti­tu­tions, and research­ers are becom­ing part of the network.


Pos­tHeimat sup­ports artist­ic exchange and provides inform­a­tion across the per­form­ing arts by cre­at­ing frame­works for col­lab­or­a­tion and organ­ising Encoun­ters with spaces for artist­ic per­form­ances, dis­cus­sions, pan­els, and research.


Pos­tHeimat seeks to empower per­form­ing arts col­lect­ives, artists, pro­du­cers, research­ers, and insti­tu­tions to work in solidarity.


Pos­tHeimat is rethink­ing and ques­tion­ing the per­form­ing arts field through an inter­sec­tion­al approach.


Pos­tHeimat’s under­stand­ing of diversity dis­course is not only based on the idea of race and back­ground but refers to Kim­ber­lé Cren­shaw’s coined term of “Inter­sec­tion­al­ity” (1986). It has become one of the most influ­en­tial terms in the dis­course of social justice and in terms of iden­tity polit­ics. Each per­son is shaped by many inter­sec­tion­al para­met­ers – for example by social status, eth­ni­city, faith, gender, sexu­al ori­ent­a­tion, age, spoken lan­guages, and cul­tur­al background.


Pos­tHeimat acknow­ledges that we are liv­ing in post-migrant societies.


Pos­tHeimat aims to ques­tion the struc­tur­al hier­arch­ies of Ger­man theatre, to reduce dis­crim­in­a­tion and racism with­in theatre insti­tu­tions as well as to shape their pro­grammes and productions.


Pos­tHeimat seeks to bring togeth­er and share inform­a­tion regard­ing inter­sec­tion­al train­ings and work­shops through an ongo­ing exchange.


Pos­tHeimat is open to artists, pro­du­cers, groups, theatre insti­tu­tions and research­ers to cooper­ate, to stead­ily enrich the net­work, and to con­nect with related initiatives.



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